A Happy, Fulfilling and Long Lasting Relationship – What’s the Big Secret?

Love and romance is quite a different experience. Love associated with romance is a feeling of intense attraction along with oneness and sense of closeness.

There are following common ways for you to ignite the passion in your relationship:


1) Deeply understand your partner


Well, a lot fewer couples would get divorced if they actually knew each other before they got married (or even afterwards). The best way to really know someone is with questions.


Questions about money, careers, the past, sex, religion, kids to name a few. The big questions in life that make all the difference and often remove conflict before it arises.


2) Show your love in a UNIQUE way often


When was the last time you said “I love you?” Not just the words… but when did you really put some time and energy into it? Never underestimate how much a thoughtful “I love you” can turn around a relationship. Here’s an idea:


When your spouse has had a really long hard day, run a hot bath for her. Pour some fragrant bath oil into the tub and gently bathe her from head to toe. Carry her into the bedroom. Gently towel her dry and tuck her into a freshly made bed with a kiss on the forehead. You can go for the high quality new sex toys too.


3) Go on dates (Never stop dating!)


Is dating only for new relationships? NO!


While being with someone for a long time makes it easy to slip into a stable and comfortable routine, the problem is you often lose that spark that made your relationship so special in the first place.


The moral of this story? Never stop dating! Have a water fight, stare at the clouds on a grassy hill, organize a backyard picnic or go to a museum. Dedicate time each week or month to doing fun things with your partner.


4) Spark and fuel intimacy


Probably the most profound way to rekindle the romance in your marriage is to spice up your lovemaking.


Surprise your partner with a little gift after you make love like luxury sex toys or Lelo vibrators, try a new position, learn to give your partner a sensual massage before or after, or just spend some time staring into each other’s eyes and caressing their bare skin before making love. Many people underestimate the affect passionate and intimate lovemaking has on a relationship.